

Claire Group would like to show social responsibility and participate in charity events. Here are some of the projects we participate in. We are happy to support reputable organizations. Our work with strategic sustainable supply chain management , however, meant that we just currently put our focus and resources to improve the working conditions at our suppliers.

Ringe i vandet
We donate childrens clothing to the charity association "Ringe i vandet" (rings in the water), that help children in vulnerable families.

We donate childrens clothing to the charity association "Fødselsdagshjælpen" (the birthday help)

We donate childrens clothing to the charity association "Hjernebarnet" (the brain child), that help brain-injured children and their Families.

We donate childrens clothing to the charity association "Julehjælpen" (the christmas help)

Frelsens hær
We donate leftover goods for recycling to "Frelsens hær" (The Salvation Army)

Verdens mest Berejste Pølsevogn
We donate clothing for "Verdens mest berejste pølsevogn" (The world's most traveled hot dog stand), that travel around the world and inspire and create positive social change.

We donate clothing and old computers to "DinNødhjælp" (Your emergency help), that helps so-called " witch children " in Nigeria.